Membership About History Team Contacts FAI Club Mark 1 Star Pitch Locations Academy Committee Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Club Sponsorship New Player enquiries AED Unit - Clubhouse Player code of Conduct Coach code of Conduct DDSL Player Reg FAQ Club ShopBroadford Rovers are proud to say we have been awarded the FAI Cub Mark One Star award in June 2023 and we are an official FAI Player Development Centre.
Set up in early 2018, The FAI Club Mark is an award based on best practice in the governance, management and administration of a football club.
Clubs start their journey at Entry Level, and like Broadford Rovers can progress on to the One Star Award to become an official FAI Player Development Centre, in line with the FAI’s Player Development Plan. Each step challenges the club to implement policies and procedures in line with best practice.
In order to be awarded the FAI Club-mark One star, we demonstrated the 6 key points below
A high standard of Coach Education
Good coaching structures
A player development and coaching pathway
Achieved the standards set by our Player Development Working Group
Have an ongoing relationship with a FAI Coaching Mentor
Have high standards of governance, management, and administration
This work is an ongoing journey and we as a club need to continue our adherence to the above.
Responsibility for ongoing adherence to Club-mark policies is with our Coaching Co-ordinator Liam Kealy
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