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Coaches need to be aware of why children want to play football. They want to learn new skills, make new friends, to be part of a group, experience challenges, excitement and action.
At schoolboy level the “winning at all costs” mentality does not meet the needs of players. This mentality can inhibit player development and can lead to young players having a sense of frustration and failure. Results are not necessarily a good indicator of coaching ability, focusing on the improvement level of players and their level of enjoyment is central to our clubs philosophy.
Coaches/Mentors are critical to the establishment of good practices in football. Their attitude to the game directly informs the attitude of the players under their supervision. Coach/Mentors must speak and act in a manner consistent with this reality.
Our Club is indebted to our Managers/Coaches and all other volunteers who give their valuable time in providing a stimulating, challenging, supportive and enjoyable soccer experience for children in the Club.
The Club will endeavour to support these volunteers in their work.
The Club will make all efforts to assist new volunteers in whatever way they can.
Managers/Coaches are not expected to deal with any problems alone and are assured of Committee assistance and support.
Our ethical standards are at the core of our coaching philosophy. Broadford Rovers ensure that all our coaches conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. The ethical code outlines the roles and responsibilities expected from each coach.
All Broadford Rovers coaches are required to
Complete Garda Vetting before commencing coaching roles and will complete the safeguarding 1 course.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of each person and treat each person equally within the context of the sport.
Ensure all players were shin pads in training and matches
Ensure players in your team where correct match day kit for all games home and away
It is the coaches responsibility to ensure pitches goals / nets are set up correctly for games. Pitches should be walked before games to check for sharp items in grass or animal faeces. All goals must be securely staked down. After games all match day equipment should be stored away correctly. Encourage parents to help, but please ensure you check after parents have put equipment away and that it is stored correctly and not at risk of causing injury to others. When playing away, please check goal posts are securely staked down.
Not subscribe to the ethos of “win at all costs”.
Place the health, well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations.
Abide by the rules of the game.
Strive to develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on mutual respect.
Have particular regard for the code when working with young players in the game.
Not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
Guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
Ensure that the activities and strategies they direct and advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players involved.
Clarify with the players (and where the players are under the age of 18, their parents) exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to expect from the Mentor.
Co-operate with specialists within the game e.g. other coaches, officials, sport scientists, doctors, and physiotherapists, etc. in the best interest of players.
Be conversant with the laws of the game and the rules of any competition in which a team under his/her stewardship is participating.
Encourage players to adhere to the club’s codes
Observe the highest standards of integrity and fair dealing.
Promote a positive approach to the game e.g. fair play, honest endeavour and genuine teamwork.
Not encourage or condone violations of the laws of the game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the game, or the use of questionable strategies or tactics.
Not encourage or condone the use of prohibited substances.
Consistently display high standards of behaviour and comment.
Use or tolerate the use of inappropriate language.
Demonstrate due respect towards match officials.
Accept the decisions of the match officials.
Match results should be communicated to the relevant club league Secretary as soon as possible on the same day.
Two weeks’ notice must be given for game cancellations (max 2 per season)
Any incidents or accidents during games or training must be reported to the Club league Secretary immediately. (e.g. managers/parents being sent from grounds by match officials, Red Cards, injuries to players or any other incident which the club should be aware of)
Breaches to this code could result in coach being disciplined by club or asked to step away from coaching
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